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Readiness "Go-Kit"

About Us

Preppers Disaster Readiness & Information Repository Website

Offering pertinent information for Emergency Service’s during a DISASTER and necessary information for Ham Radio Operators and civilians when the waters are quiet?

  • Disaster Go-Kit Essentials Fulfillment Center
  • Disaster Survival: Disaster Go-Kit Essentials
  • Pre-Post Disaster Civilian, Federal and Government Resources
  • National / Local LIVE Weather: Reports, Radar, Alerts…
  • National / Local Emergency Relief Shelters
  • Ham Radio: HF, UHF, VHF Net Operations, Net PDF’s (i.e.: Radiograms, Message Forms, NTS Codes…), Nationwide Clubs, Nets & Events
  • Amateur Radio: Nationwide Repeater Information
  • Emergency Services & Communication Frequencies
  • FEMA “FEMA ICS-Forms
  • How to information and much, much more…

Survival Starts by
Being Proactive and Prepared When Disaster Strikes

EmCommInfo.com Info has the information you need

  • .pdf documents you can download and
  • hyperlinks that take you to the pertinent websites you needFulfillment Center

Survival Starts by Being Proactive and Prepared When Disaster Strikes

Prepare your
Disaster Go-Kit TODAY!

Emergency Readiness Check List

EmCommInfo.com Fulfillment Center


Volunteer Examiners are licensed Amateur (Ham) radio Operators holding a General Class license or higher offering FCC authorized Amateur (Ham) Radio exam classes.

Licensed Instructors are qualified Licensed Ham Radio Operators holding a license class of the same or higher level than the license class being instructed.

As a result Amateur (Ham) Radio Instructors allow for local community members to receive Amateur (Ham) Radio instruction to achieve your Technician, General or Extra Class Licenses.

In times of crisis and natural disasters

Amateur (Ham) Operators offer our time to assist with critical local services resulting in local necessary disrupted services to be managed and restored via alternative means.

Examples of Critical Local Services are:

  • Telephone and FAX Services
  • Cell Phones and Internet Services
  • As well as when other conventional means of communications fail.

Unlike commercial systems, ham radio is usually independent of terrestrial facilities that often fail during a crisis or natural disaster.

In Conclusion:

EmCommInfo.com was created for this purpose: To help you find Crisis and Natural Disaster Services and Information when you need it.

  • Amateur (Ham) Radio Net Operation
  • Clubs and Events
  • Disaster Services
  • National EOC’s (Emergency Operations Center) 
  • Personal and Emergency Resources
  • Amateur (Ham) Operator Program Instruction and Licensing from acquiring your Technician Class License to building an antenna or how to repair your radio

If you cannot find what you are looking for simply send us an email through our “Contact Us” page on our Website with your required service or field of topic. 

As a result we will add your request to our Website repository usually within 24 hours to assist our nation in time of crisis.  

Moreover, if we need to research your request it may take a little longer but be assured we will find the information you need and have it added to EmCommInfo.com ASAP!

If your needs are crisis oriented select the “Urgent Message Option” on our “Contact Us” form and we will have an answer for you in less than 24 hours