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Holiday Cyber Attacks

Holiday Cyber Attack

Be On The Alert!

If you receive a call from a Store Representative (i.e.: Amazon, Target, Walmart) regarding a Fraudulent Purchase on your account Be On Guard.

  • This individual may represent themselves as a Fraud Department Representative
  • They may advise you have a Suspicious Charge on your account
  • This individual may try to show you a Cancelation Button on your Store Account Website that does not exist.
  • This individual may ask you to go to a “REMOTE ACCESS website to assist you in canceling this charge
  • This would allow this individual remote access into your computer.
  • DO NOT DOWNLOAD an application to allow “Remote Access into your computer

Your Personal Data Could be at Risk

Call Your Store **IMMEDIATLY** and Verify Your Account Status

Being Proactive is Being Prepared when Disaster Strikes!

Have a safe and happy holiday,

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